The Hands Down Athletics Brand
The elements of our brand’s visual identity
The Hands Down Athletics team understands the vital importance of brand integrity and we take our professional reputability extremely seriously. Our priority is not merely to build outstanding products, but to develop a culture that seeks to embody excellence throughout all of our business interactions. Adhering to our brand usage guidelines helps ensure that we meet this expectation.
Brand Assets
Our logo is our flag. It represents the character of our organization.
When used correctly people recognize us as a premium designer athletic brand.

black logo / white background

grey logo / white background

red logo / white background

logo wireframe

white logo / black background

red logo / black background

white logo / grey background

white logo / red background
In certain situations, the logo can also be used on any other contextually colored background, as long as there is a 3:1 contrast ratio. Anything less may compromise visibility and is not recommended. Color contrasts can be checked here.
Brand Colors
Our primary usage is a black logo on a white background. This is the most universal application, representing the Hands Down Athletics umbrella company.

primary brand color

secondary brand colors
The primary non-neutral color for featured creatives, highlighting brand products broadly, is the red logo on a white or black background. The signature Hands Down Athletics red color is designed to motivate individuals toward pushing the boundaries of action-sport athletic achievement. While the logo elements themselves represent that balance between order and chaos as a method toward pursuing this goal.
Brand Standards
How the Hands Down logo is used is very important to us. These standards are a usage guide that provides clear instruction for the best ways to display the logo for optimal brand recognition and preservation.
Clearing Space, Visual Center, and Sizing

logo clearing space

center of visual reference & secondary clearing

minimum size and resolution
The minimum clearing space of the logo is the width of the “H” in the Hands Down logo itself. Only official Hands Down subsidiaries or recognized partners are permitted to use the secondary clearing space.
Usage to Avoid

DO NOT break elements of the logo apart.

DO NOT stretch, compress, or disproportionally scale the logo.

DO NOT overlay the logo with any design elements.

DO NOT use any effects like shadows, outlines, gradients, or glows on the logo.

DO NOT use the logo in a sentence.

DO NOT put the logo on busy backgrounds.
Brand Assets
Our symbol is a secondary brand signature to our logo. It represents the character of our organization, and when
used correctly people will associate it with our primary logo and recognize us as a premium designer athletic brand.

black symbol / white background

grey symbol / white background

red symbol / white background

symbol wireframe

white symbol / black background

red symbol / black background

white symbol / grey background

white symbol / red background
In certain situations, the symbol can also be used on any other contextually colored background, as long as there is a 3:1 contrast ratio. Anything less may compromise visibility and is not recommended. Color contrasts can be checked here.
Brand Colors
Our primary usage is a black symbol on a white background. This is the most universal application of this secondary element, representing the Hands Down Athletics umbrella company.

primary brand color

secondary brand colors
The primary non-neutral color for featured creatives, highlighting brand products broadly, is the red symbol on a white or black background. The signature Hands Down Athletics red color is designed to motivate individuals toward pushing the boundaries of action-sport athletic achievement. While the symbol elements themselves represent that balance between order and chaos as a method toward pursuing this goal.
Brand Standards
How the Hands Down symbol is used is very important to us. These standards are a usage guide that provides clear instruction for the best ways to display the symbol for optimal brand recognition and preservation.
Clearing Space, Visual Center, and Sizing

symbol clearing space

center of visual reference & secondary clearing

minimum size and resolution
The minimum clearing space of the symbol is “x2 times the circumference Hands Down symbol itself. Only official Hands Down subsidiaries or recognized partners are permitted to use the secondary clearing space.
Usage to Avoid

DO NOT break elements of the symbol apart.

DO NOT stretch, compress, or disproportionally scale the symbol.

DO NOT overlay the symbol with any design elements.

DO NOT add effects like shadows, glows, or gradients to the logo.

DO NOT use the symbol in a sentence.

DO NOT put the symbol on busy backgrounds.
If you see anyone misusing the Hands Down brand please notify us at brand(@)
Anyone that uses the Hands Down brand symbols, logos, or slogans inappropriately is liable to face legal action. Usage that DOES NOT adhere to these brand usage specifications ought to be considered counterfeit.
Hands Down is an Internationally Registered Trademark of Hands Down, LLC a Florida Corporation.
Logo Designer: Curtis C Page